Welcome, welcome, to a deep dive analysis of Chapter 317 of 19 days by Old Xian. I’ve been following this manhua for a few years and maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to do a full series review or break down but not today. The series is released free on Old Xian’s twitter and translated free on this tumblr.

*fan girl mode initiated*

The first panel here is a great example of progress for little Mo, he’s waving back and even giving a proper farewell with “I’m leaving first”. This is also the first time He Tian has been shown not forcibly sticking to Mo in a while.

In the next scene She Li appears and the FIRST thing he mentions is Mo’s new ear stud. As if he knows its from He Tian. Now I don’t know how he’d know that because when Mo asked He Tian for the studs She Li was presumably across a basket ball court (chapter 283).

After She Li asks Mo to come with him, Mo does the most sensible thing I’ve seen in the in series and smacks that snake away.

One thing I noticed right away is that Old didn’t draw Mo’s face in the scenes he’s running down the stairs. I thought perhaps this was done on purpose to focus on Mo’s body to show how hard he is running to get away. But then I thought that maybe his face was left blank to let us imagine it.

Was Mo scared? Or more angry? Was he panicked or on the verge of tears? We see in the next scene, right before he reaches the train that he’s clearly desperate to get away and its honestly so heart breaking. My poor Mo >.<

Then what we have is a stare-off between He Tian and She Li (fan girl squeak noises). I love the way Old draws these scenes. Now presumably She Li has been stalking Mo and waited for the exact moment that he was alone to approach him because he’s scared, or at least ‘smart enough’ to stay away while He Tian is watching. In the first panel its not clear if Mo is getting off a train or just walking away but I’m sure She Li was waiting for him on his route to work.

I’m so excited to see what He Tian does now, because he warned She Li in a pretty serious way after the coke can incident and She Li is clearly a crazy person who needs to be dealt with.

The thumbs down in the last panel might have a more ominous meaning than just “you failed to get Mo” but I only have western cultural references to go on.

What I’m really choked about (besides Mo literally running into He Tians arms), is the way he is grasping at He Tian after reaching him. As if needing more than the knowledge that he is safe and showing how scared he was despite his tough guy attitude.

Now SPEAKING OF HANDS can I just take a moment to point out he progression of He Tian’s hands?

I’m sure he was in shock after seeing Mo run to him in a moment of danger but even while threatening / staring down She Li he is seen holding little Mo close, as if to further reassure him that he’ll be okay. I seriously am so proud of my son here.



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